Lugansk People’s Republic parliament speaker Denis Miroshnichenko and Russian Federation Council senator from the LPR Darya Lantratova have met in Lugansk to discuss guidelines for interaction.   Miroshnichenko and Lantratova considered social guarantees for the population, the Republic’s entry into the Russian legal environment, the rebuilding of infrastructure etc.   “I’m very glad that you represent LPR interests at the top federal level. It’s great honor for us; it’s very important.<...> We very much hope that the appearance of (the senator from the LPR) will benefit our people in the first place. The people who regrettably know firsthand what war is,” Miroshnichenko said.   It is Lantratova’s first visit to the Republic in the capacity of senator. She thanked LPR Acting Head Leonid Pasechnik who vested senator powers in her for his trust. Earlier, she worked in the LPR as a “United Russia” activist helping provide humanitarian aid.   “I came to like the Republic’ residents because they are absolutely fantastic evoking your admiration and respect.<...> I’d like to emphasize the fact that despite the difficult situation, they increasingly come to offer suggestions, initiatives or ideas rather than ask for something. They are ready to build the future,” Lantratova said. She said she would use all her experience for normalizing life in the Republic.   LPR Acting Head Leonid Pasechnik signed a decree vesting Russian Federation senator powers in executive branch representative Darya Lantratova, deputy secretary of the General Council of the all-Russian political party “United Russia,” while the LPR parliament vested Russian senator powers in 3rd parliament deputy Olga Bas.   The Federation Council upper house of the Russian parliament includes two representatives from each region from the legislative and executive branches of power. The Lugansk People’s Republic became a part of Russia on September 30, 2022 after the unification referendum.*i*v