Specialists from Moscow will prepare five new buildings in Lugansk to accommodate offices of the Multifunctional Public Services Center (MFC) by September 1, Lugansk Mayor Manolis Pilavov told reporters.    “We’ve visited the MFC Head Office in Lugansk (which is currently being renovated - eds Lugansk Media Center),” Pilavov said.  “Repairs are running on five such buildings which are located in different parts of the city for maximum availability to all citizens.”   “We’re moving, step by step, towards the standards which exist in Russia. We're very thankful to our Moscow brothers,” he said.    When asked about how many MFC buildings would open in Lugansk, Pilavov said five would open by September 1 and that another five would be launched in the future.   MFC LPR Director Vitaly Sedykh earlier said that two new MFC offices would be launched in Lugansk by September, and that the two functioning offices including the Head Office, would relocate. An MFC building will be repaired in Schastye, a satellite settlement of Lugansk.                                                                                                              *** On June 3, 2022, Moscow mayor Sergey Sobyanin and Lugansk administration head Manolis Pilavov signed a joint declaration on establishing twin city ties between the capitals of Russia and the LPR. The Moscow mayor and LPR government chairman Sergey Kozlov signed an intergovernmental agreement on trade and economic, scientific and cultural cooperation. *i*ie