Russian State Duma has approved the Federal Law "On the Accession of the LPR to Russia and Establishment of a New Federal Subject - Lugansk People's Republic".

The decision was supported by 413 votes of the Duma deputies.

According to the law, the LPR becomes a Russian federal subject, its border with a foreign state becomes Russian state border, and Russian laws and regulations are applicable in the LPR, unless stated otherwise by the law.

Regulatory legal acts of the Lugnsk People's Republic are valid on the territory of the LPR until the end of the transition period or until the adoption of the relevant regulatory legal act of the Russian Federation and (or) the regulatory legal act of the Lugansk People's Republic. Legal acts of the LPR that contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation shall not apply.

The transition period is to end on January 1, 2026.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and the LPR Head Leonid Pasechnik signed a treaty on September 30 on the accession of the Republic to the Russian Federation as its subject.Similar treaties were signed on the accession of the DPR, the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions.

The four regions earlier held referendums on joining Russia that revealed a massive public support of the move. In the LPR, in particular, 98,42 pc of voters supported joining Russia. *t