Leading Russian universities will hold presentations of their education programs for prospective students from the Lugansk People’s Republic, LPR Education and Science Minister Ivan Kusov told reporters.   “We asked top 20 Russian universities to carry out online presentations for our prospective students before the start of the admissions period on June 20, and tell them about the opportunities, admission readiness, dormitories and benefits of study at such universities,” Kusov said.   LPR school-leavers will learn about career prospects from representatives of Moscow State University, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, he added.   The first presentation is due to take place within the next few days. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University will present its programs at  a video conference on the social media of the Education and Science Ministry. Other presentations will follow within several days, the official said. *i*ie