The “United Russia” (ER) political party has completed the establishment of its offices in all municipal areas of the Lugansk People’s Republic, the ER press service reported.   “The last office was set up in the frontline Kremennaya town. Overall, the party established 28 branches in all town and municipal districts,” the press service said.  “Cannon fire does not cease in the Kremennaya area, but people want to build their future, and they see the party’s important role in it,” Lugansk branch secretary Denis Miroshnichenko said.   Local offices have to heed people’s advice to understand their ideas of the future of our Republic. “We’ll spell it out in the regional section of the ER's People’s Program with which it will compete at the elections,” he said.   Member of the State Duma lower house of the Russian parliament Viktor Vodolatsky said that the consolidated team of patriots in the LPR would provide maximum assistance to the population and help with the rebuilding of infrastructure and agriculture development.   ***   “United Russia” set up its regional branch in the LPR on October 21, 2022. LPR parliament speaker Denis Miroshnichenko was elected its secretary. The regional branch brings together more than 20,000 party supporters. *i*ie