The “United Russia” (ER) party plans to increase the average monthly wage in the Lugansk People’s Republic to 53,000 rubles by the year 2025, ER Lugansk branch Secretary Denis Miroshnichenko said at a conference.

“In the next five years, the party will work towards increasing the population’s incomes. It plans the average monthly wage increase to 53,000 rubles by 2025,” Miroshnichenko said.  “More than 120,000 residents will be entitled to social benefits or allowances. The amount and types of benefits will meet the national standard.”

The party’s decisions are aimed at increasing the wages of more than 100,000 public sectors workers by 2025, ensuring payments to families with children and expectant mothers married to servicemen, rehabilitation of people with disabilities and purchase of technical aids, he said.

By 2025, people with disabilities will enjoy monthly allowances and other support from the state, while low-income and vulnerable groups will be entitled to free medications and rehabilitation and health improvement opportunities. Social support will be provided to more than 2,800 servicemen and their families, Miroshnichenko said.

President Vladimir Putin earlier said that the minimum wage would be indexed by 18.5 percent on January 1, 2024 which is much higher than the inflation rate.*jk*sb