Nearly 300 residents of Pervomaisk and satellite settlements who lost their essential property as a result of fighting have received compensations, Pervomaisk mayor Sergey Kolyagin wrote on Telegram.   “The Town Hall commission, set up by Lugansk People’s Republic government resolution  No 612/22 dated August 2, 2022, has considered 320 applications for lumpsum compensation for the loss of essential property,” Kolyagin said. “It approved 296 requests for help; some 30 million rubles were placed on applicants’ accounts.”   The commission received more than 700 applications, however, 271 applications from the Popasnaya district could not be processed due to limited access to settlements,” he said.   “After my personal meeting with residents on November 2, Town Hall officials together with commission members worked out a solution. Ii hope that we’ll make progress with the payment of lost property compensations to Popasnaya district residents in the near future,” the mayor said.   The LPR government earlier approved the procedure for paying lumpsum compensations for the loss of essential property and provided payment collection details and phone numbers for consultations.   The Ukrainian government launched the so-called anti-terrorist operation against Donbass in April 2014.  The peace talks that began soon thereafter failed to reach tangible results due to Kiev’s position to settle the conflict by force.*i*v