Russia’s major transport network will add more than 1,000 kilometers of roads in the new territories, the Transport Ministry press service reported.
  • A priority is to develop the single network of 136,000 kilometers linking the key destinations and centers, the Ministry said. “It is planned to extend it by 2,600 kilometers of regional and local roads, as well as by four trunk roads of the Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republic and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions with a total length of 1,039 kilometers.”
By 2027, 85 percent of the major road network will meet federal standards. Cargo delivery time will increase several-fold, it said.
The major road network will connect regional capitals, towns with a population of over 100,000, roads with average daily traffic of more than 10,000 cars, and the key regional (72,000 kilometers) and federal (64,000 km) highways.
People will enjoy driving on high quality roads. The routes will be most convenient and effective as the selection criteria and destinations in road construction are based on recommendations from Russian regions, the Transport Ministry said. *i