The parliamentary Commission on the investigation of Kiev regime crimes against children actively cooperates with the Russian Foreign Ministry in order to achieve results in appeals review by international bodies, said deputy speaker of the State Duma lower house of the Russian parliament Anna Kuznetsova who co-chairs the Commission.   Kuznetsova reminded that the State Duma “made an important decision in the spring session to set up the Commission on the investigation of Kiev regime crimes against minors.”    “Regrettably, the International Criminal Court, the United Nations and relevant bodies have not replied to thousands of appeals. Furthermore, part of them have been dismissed. We’re drawing a report which can be considered at all levels; it provides a detailed description and authentic data proven by colleagues from dedicated bodies,” she said.   The lies that have accompanied the Ukrainian conflict all this time are now being exposed. “We know that international human rights organizations will join in together with journalists from other countries who see with their own eyes the picture that differs from what mass media say. Today, we have to tell the truth, with the voices of the children who will never have their say.  Regrettably, the Alley of Angels lists more child deaths; we have to do everything to stop lawlessness against children in the new territories,” the parliamentarian said.    The Ukrainian government launched the so-called anti-terrorist operation against Donbass in April 2014.  The peace talks failed to reach tangible results due to Kiev’s position to settle the conflict by force.   The Lugansk People’s Republic acceded to Russia on September 30, 2022 following the unification referendum.  *i*ie