A branch of the Defenders of Fatherland State Fund established to support participants in Russia's special military operation (SVO) has opened in Lugansk.    President Vladimir Putin signed the decree on establishing the Fund on April 3, 2023. It is focused on individual social support of SVO veterans and families of the servicemen killed in the line of duty, and assistance in providing them with all due benefits.   Head of the LPR leader’s Office Alexey Samoilov said that the Republic’s leadership would make all efforts towards ensuring effective operation of the Fund’s branch.   Deputy chairperson of the LPR government Anna Todorova urged close interaction between authorities and social organizations to provide comprehensive support to SVO participants.     “Our key objective is victory and support of our guys.<...> Together, we’ll cope with all tasks and difficulties,” Todorova said. “The government, the Fund’s branch, and all social organizations must consolidate to help each other, this is the only way to win.”   Head of the Fund’s Lugansk branch Olga Gontareva said that the measures of support for SVO servicemen included legal assistance, rehabilitation at health resorts, prosthetic services, mentorship opportunities in patriotic education, assistance in employment, advanced training, retraining etc.   The Fund is launching its subdivisions in all Russian regions starting June 1. Special attention will be paid to Donbass whose residents have been on frontlines since 2014, said the Fund's Regional Liaison Office Director Maria Kostyuk.    “The hostilities are taking place in your territory which has sustained the largest civilian casualty toll. We cannot but respect your solidarity, your vehement feeling of patriotism and love for the lesser Motherland,” Kostyuk said. “We bow to such feelings and follow your example.”    In his annual address to the Federal Assembly on February 21, 2023 Putin ordered the Russian government to establish, jointly with regional executive bodies, a state fund to support special military operation participants.   First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Sergei Kiriyenko was appointed head of the Supervisory Council of the Fund.    Lugansk People’s Republic Acting Head Leonid Pasechnik  called for quick launching of a branch of the Fund in the Republic. In May, LPR authorities set up an interdepartmental working group on the support of SVO servicemen and members of their families.   The Lugansk People’s Republic acceded to Russia on September 30, 2022 following the unification referendum.*i*v