Fifty-eight children have been killed in the Lugansk People’s Republic in the war unleashed by the Kiev regime against Donbass in 2014, said LPR Acting Head Leonid Pasechnik.   “At least 286 children have been killed in Donbass since 2014, including 58 in the Lugansk People’s Republic,” Pasechnik said in a post on Telegram. The death of a child is the most terrible thing that can happen to any parent; nobody can ever quell this aching grief in the hearts of bereft mother and father, he said. “The death of little angels is our common pain where each grieves,” the LPR leader said. “No objective is more important than stopping the Kiev war machine and doing everything to prevent new names from appearing on this sad list.”   “Stopping Ukrainian Nazism and punishing the criminals is our duty to the killed innocent angels and future generations which deserve a happy childhood and a peaceful and safe future," Pasechnik said.    Day of Remembrance of Children - Victims of Donbass War is marked on July 27. It was established by Donetsk People’s Republic Head Denis Pushilin in 202. On that day in 2014, Kristina Zhuk, 27, was trying to escape Kiev artillery fire with her ten-month-old daughter in her arms. Both were killed; Kristina never let go of her child. These photos were seen round the world, and Kristina was called the “Gorlovka Madonna.” *i*ie