“United Russia” party representatives have delivered more than 20,000 tons of relief supplies to 17 humanitarian aid centers set up in the Lugansk People’s Republic since the beginning of the special military operation, Secretary of the party’s regional branch Denis Miroshnichenko said.
Addressing LPR residents on the occasion of the 22th anniversary of the Party, Miroshnichenko said that since December 1, 2001, when “United Russia” was established in a merger between “Fatherland-All Russia” and “Unity,” its name has changed as have its membership, projects and objectives except one thing: the people remain the party’s key value and priority.”
 In 2023, the regional Party branch reported more than 85,000 recommendations from local residents for the Party’s People’s Program, he said adding that the 21 ongoing "United Russia" projects are improving life in the Republic.
“United Russia” set up its regional branch in the LPR on October 21, 2022. LPR parliament speaker Denis Miroshnichenko was elected its secretary. United Russia General Council Secretary Andrey Turchak said that as of late October 2023, some 36,000 local residents had joined the Party.*i