The United Russia party has won 20 of 25 seats in the Lugansk City Council; overall, four political parties will be represented in the city parliament, Lugansk People’s Republic Election Commission deputy chairperson Marianna Sumskaya told reporters.

“According to the Election Commission's information, United Russia gathered 74.42 percent of votes (20 mandates), the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia - 9.01 percent (two mandates), the Communist Party - 8.29 percent (two mandates) and A Just Russia - 5.35 percent (one mandate)," Sumskaya said.

New People, the fifth election participant, failed to overcome the 5-percent electoral threshold.


On September 8 through September 10, the LPR held its first local elections in all the 28 municipalities after the Republic’s accession to Russia. Early voting was held on September 1 - 4 at 329 exterritorial polling stations in 81 Russian regions for residents staying outside the LPR , while on September 2 through 7, it was held for residents living in remote and hard-to-access areas.*i*sb