Фото: Луганский Информационный Центр/Анастасия Стеценко

The headquarters for public support of Vladimir Putin for the post of president has opened in Lugansk, said HQ activists as they noted Russia's efforts in rebuilding the Lugansk region and president's personal input that gave Donbass confidence in the future.

The HQ will start operation on December 26. It is co-chaired by LPR academic philharmonic society soloist Sergei Chuikov, head of regional branch of the autonomous non-profit organization “Committee of Families of Fatherland Warriors" Yulia Kozhevnikova, and Krasnodon museum director Natalia Nikolayenko.


On December 8, Putin announced his plans to run in the next presidential elections in 2024. A group of voters met in Moscow on December 16 to support Putin’s self-nomination. Two days later, the incumbent president submitted documents to the Central Election Commission for registration as a presidential candidate. Signature collection for Putin’s election campaign will begin on Saturday

Under the law on the election of Russian president, a self-nominee needs support from at least 500 people with full voting rights. The candidate then requests the CEC to register his or her group of supporters and attaches the required documents such as the candidate’s consent to run in the election and the voter group’s protocol supporting the candidate’s self-nomination.

The self-nominee has to gather at least 300,000 signatures in his support; the number of voter signatures in each region is capped at 7,500.  After completing all the procedures, the candidate is officially registered as a presidential candidate.

As a self-nominee, Putin ran in the previous presidential election in 2018.*i*sb