Фото: Луганский Информационный Центр

The Lugansk People’s Republic Public Chamber has held an expanded meeting to officially launch the headquarters for monitoring the presidential election in 2024.

Representatives of the Independent Public Monitoring Association, the all-Russia social movement for “clean elections” and LPR ombudsperson Viktoria Serdyukova joined the online conference at the Vladimir Dal Lugansk State University.

As of December 22, 86 Russian regions had set up election monitoring headquarters said Alyona Bulgakova, head of the Russian Public Chamber committee on public control and appeals as she opened the discussion.

Activists are vigorously working with media outlets, journalists and political parties which shows the HQ’s openness and the significance of its work, Bulgakova said.

LPR Public HQ chairman Sergey Kovalyonok said that the work plan included daily sessions, participation in election commissions’ events, seminars for lecturers who will train observers, processing of applications from potential observers and, lastly, the monitoring of ballot-casing.

“It’s important to control and ensure legitimacy of the March election: we know that our enemies will go the whole way to challenge its results,” LPR Public Chamber chairman Alexey Karyakin said.


The Federation Council upper house of the Russian parliament set the Russian presidential election for March 17, 2024. Voting will be held over three days on March 15-17, said the Central Election Commission.*i*sb