Five LPR People's Militia service members have been killed in a Ukrainian squad attack on a Republican outpost outside Golubovskoye, defense's press officer Ivan Filipponenko said.

"A sabotage squad of the West (Zapad) special operations center (former 8th regiment of special operations) cold-bloodedly shot and killed five LPR defenders outside Golubovskoye," the report reads.

Filiponenko said that the victims "were shot in their heads with special arms", one of them was killed with a foreign sniper rifle, others murdered from a point-blank range by a sabotage squad that infiltrated the Republic.

"It must be mentioned that the People's Militia consists of former miners, doctors, combiners and other people of civilian occupations. No one of the victims was a staff military. They were forced to take up arms to protect their families from nationalists who took over Ukraine as a result of a state coup."

Four children are left without fathers following the attack. *t