Followers of the Ukrainian nationalists who were involved in the Khatyn massacre, are now committing atrocities in Donbass and Ukraine, said LPR parliament first deputy speaker Dmitry Khoroshilov in connection with the 80th anniversary of the Khatyn tragedy.    It is a mournful date for the Donbass people, Khoroshilov said.   “The tragedy which we know from history textbooks seemed so far away. Regrettably, it is a recurring story,” he said. “It is terrible that the ideological followers of the Ukrainian nationalists and Banderites who  committed atrocities during the Great Patriotic War, are now doing the same in Donbass and Ukraine.”   He recalled the tragedy in Odessa, where Ukrainian nationalists burnt people alive in the Trade Unions House on May 2, 2014, and drew attention to the fact that Hitler’s abettors became idols for the incumbent Ukrainian authorities in the 21st century and that whose who fought the Nazis became enemies  for them.   Today, the West is supporting the Ukrainian government in all ways, turning a blind eye to idealization of Nazism and emulation of the Nazi Germany, the parliamentarian said.   “I’m confident that the special military operation will reach its objectives, put an end to it and free our territory from Nazism. All the objectives our servicemen are facing will be fulfilled. Fascism must be eliminated,” Khoroshilov said.    ***   Khatyn is a Belarus village which Nazi invaders burnt to ashes together with its residents on March 22, 1943. Auxiliary Police Battalion 118 mostly staffed with ethnic Ukrainians and the Dirlewanger special unit herded villagers into a shed, set it on fire and shot and killed those who were trying to escape the flames.  One hundred and forty-nine civilians including 75 children were killed in the massacre; just a handful survived. This place currently accommodates a memorial complex. *i*ie