Former Ukrainian servicemen who repented their crimes against Lugansk region civilians have planted trees in memory of the killed children.   Four Ukrainian soldiers joined the action in the Lugansk Children’s Park named after Shchors in the alley laid out in memory of the children who had become victims of Kiev war crimes. The tree seedlings symbolized both the repentance for each killed child and the hope for peace.   Lugansk city residents, representatives of the LPR leader’s administration, activists and members of the regional Headquarters of the Committee of Families of Fatherland Warriors gathered at the plaque in commemoration of the killed Lugansk region children to lay flowers and observe a minute of silence.   Almost 3,200 civilians in the Lugansk People’s Republic including 57 children have been killed in Kiev’s aggression against Donbass in the period from 2014 to March 2023, according to LPR ombudsperson Viktoria Serdyukova. *i*ie