Four workers of the Peschanoye Forestry in the Lugansk People’s Republic Novoaidar district have been hurt in a trip wire grenade explosion on a dirt road, the LPR Emergencies Ministry press service reported.

The incident occurred in the Alexandrovka village on Monday morning. It was reported to the fire-fighting and rescue center in the Novoaidar township.

The victims are a 43-year-old woman and three men, aged 50, 65 and 42. Their tractor trailer's wheel tripped the wire on an unsurfaced road. All the employees suffered fragmentation wounds in the resultant explosion.  An ambulance was dispatched to the scene.

“The victims declined hospitalization after a medical check; their condition is satisfactory,” the LPR Emergencies Ministry said.

The Ministry reminds that in case of finding suspicious objects that look like ammunition or explosive devices, residents should keep away from them, mark the location with whatever means are available and report it to the emergency service (101) or police (102).

It is prohibited to move, throw, lift, collect, keep, disassemble, heat or strike at explosive hazards or use them for making utensils or making fires. They must not be taken inside an enclosed space or collected as scrap metal.

The LPR Emergencies Ministry recommends residents to reduce their stay in forests, parks, or water bodies areas where unexploded ordnance is likely to be found. *i*t