The Russian government has submitted to the State Duma a draft law on health protection, compulsory medical insurance and circulation of medicines in the new regions, TASS reported referring to the parliament’s electronic database.   "The adoption of the law will facilitate consistent integration of the DPR, LPR and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions in Russian legal environment, minimize the losses of medical institutions and parties to the circulation of medicines, and protect citizens’ right to medical aid and provision of medications and medical products," the authors of the document said in an explanatory note.    The law sets a transitional period for the new regions’ to adopt Russian healthcare standards until January 1, 2026. Medical degree certificates and accreditation and qualification documents issued in Ukraine or in the new territory before the latter’s accession to Russia will remain valid until that date. Beginning from January 1, 2026, medical specialists in the new regions will be accredited in accordance with Russian standards.   The proposed legislation permits the circulation in the new regions of the medications registered in Russia or in the Eurasian Economic Union. It also permits to use unregistered medicines cleared for imports to Russia and the medications produced in the new regions before January 1, 2025. The medications that do not meet legal requirements can be used until expiry date.   The Lugansk People’s Republic, Donetsk People’s Republic and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions acceded to Russia on September 30, 2022 following the unification referenda.*i*v