Kiev forces jammed unmanned aerial vehicles of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission three times in a week, said People’s Militia chief of staff Colonel Yan Leschenko.

"To conceal its banned equipment deployed in violation of the Minsk Agreements, units of Ukrainian criminals keep impeding operations of SMM's UAVs flying over Kiev-controlled territory ," he said.

From June 12 to June 18 three incidents of jamming UAVs were recorded.

The LPR militia repeatedly reported the jamming of OSCE SMM drones by Kiev forces in the so-called joint forces operation zone.

The Ukrainian government launched the so-called anti-terrorist operation against Donbass in April 2014. Conflict settlement relies on the Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements, signed on February 12, 2015 in the Belarusian capital by the Contact Group members and coordinated by the Normandy Four heads of states (Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine). The document provides for ceasefire and withdrawal of heavy weapons from the contact line. *t