The agricultural potential of the Lugansk People’s Republic can make it a key region in ensuring Russia’s food security, LPR Acting Head Leonid Pasechnik said in a post on Telegram.   “Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin paid special attention (in the course of his annual report on government performance to the State Duma) to the food security of our state,” Pasechnik said. “The Lugansk region, with its rich soil, has all opportunities to become a key region in providing it.”   To this end, Russia is applying standard support measures to the LPR agricultural sector including leasing programs and subsidies, while federal legislators are drawing a law on a free economic zone in the new regions, he said.   Former LPR Food and Agriculture Minister Yury Pronko said that the LPR’s farmland area had increased by one million hectares after the liberation of the whole territory of the Republic. In 2022, the LPR’s early cereal and leguminous crops harvest topped 1.1 million tons for the first time since the establishment of the Republic.   The Lugansk People’s Republic acceded to Russia on September 30, 2022 following the unification referendum.*i*ie