Фото: Официальный Телеграм-канал Главы ЛНР Леонида Пасечника

The Lugansk People’s Republic parliament has approved a three-year regional budget for the first time, said LPR leader Leonid Pasechnik.

 “Today, I’ve signed the budget law which is an important step in LPR integration in Russia’s legal environment,” Pasechnik wrote on his Telegram channel.

It is the first ever two-level budget that includes municipal incomes and expenditures, he said adding that it was a balanced welfare-oriented document guaranteeing the fulfilment of all obligations undertaken by the Republic.

The document is focused on funding education, welfare policy, healthcare, culture and sports, and also envisions considerable spending on road construction, transport, forestry and water resources, fuel and energy sector, agriculture and housing and utilities.

“In fact, it’s a budget to develop our region,” the LPR Head said.


The LPR parliament approved the first reading of the three-year budget on December 26. Its public hearing was held the next day.*i*sb