Фото: Информационный канал Избирательной комиссии ЛНР
The Lugansk People’s Republic Election Commission has completed the registration of candidates in the local parliamentary election due to take place in September.   All the five parties represented at the State Duma (lower house of the Russian parliament) are taking part in the election: United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, Just Russia - Patriots - for Truth and New People.   All of them have set up branches in the Republic which nominated 338 candidates.    The deadline for candidate nomination and registration is August 17.    ***   The LPR will elect deputies to its parliament and municipal bodies on September 8-10. The voting will be held on party lists.    The regional law provides for early voting, organization of plebiscite in public spaces and ballot casting options for certain groups of the population. *i*ie