Lugansk People’s Republic Acting Head Leonid Pasechnik, LPR parliament speaker Denis Miroshnichenko, officials and activists have laid flowers and honored the memory of Ukrainian aggression victims at the memorial complex “We Won’t Forget, Won’t Forgive” in the Vidnoye settlement.   “Here lie civilians who fell victim to Ukrainian Nazism, who were killed in artillery attacks and airstrikes at Lugansk in 2014,” Pasechnik said. “It’s been nine years to this day since Ukraine launched the so-called “anti-terrorist operation” against Donbass civilians which enabled it to use, on a full scale, weapons, mines, shells etc. against our women, old people and children.”   “This date “divided the world for the Donbass residents into “before” and “after.” Of course, we won’t forget it.    All of us, the whole Donbass rejected the authorities who came to govern Ukraine in 2014, the Nazis who promoted the ideas of nationalism, terrorism and hatred for everything Russian. We rose because we wanted to speak the Russian language which we knew and understood; we decided to keep brotherly relations with our brotherly people, with Russia, making the absolutely right choice,” he said.   CRIMINALS WILL BE PUNISHED   Hero of Russia, head of the Investigative Committee (SK) Educational Work Department Lt-Gen Sergey Petrov who was present at the function said that the SK continued the investigation into Kiev regime crimes against Donbass civilians and servicemen.   “A tremendous number of criminal cases has been filed; they are under investigation which will be carried through,” Petrov said. Pasechnik’s aide Anna Soroka said that April 14, 2014 became the date that “irrevocably changed our life as the pivotal point of no return.”   “The military-political leadership of Ukraine, as it illegally came to power in February 2014 through the Maidan uprising which was a curse to us, changed our life, and permitted itself to conduct the policy of genocide against Donbass civilians and introduce the Russophobic ideology aimed at eliminating the Russianness, the Russian person because we’ve been proving for centuries that we are strong, fair and kind,” Soroka said.   “This seems to be a big irritant to a large part of the international community which would conveniently forget the 2014 events,” she said.   She also said that today's world is not remembering what happened nine years ago.   “Because if they remember it, they should realize that they’re accomplices to the crimes which Ukraine’s military-political regime committed throughout these nine years: these are tortures and murders of civilians, indiscriminate mine-laying, indiscriminate shelling and deliberate destruction of civil infrastructure. Each name is a bell tolling in our hearts; we’ll never forget nor forgive such things,” Soroka said.   The events commemorating Ukrainian aggression victims were heled in all LPR towns and districts on Friday.   ***   Ukrainian Aggression Victims Day which is marked on April 14 was established by the LPR Head's decree.   On April 13, 2014, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine decided “On urgent measures to overcome the terrorist threat and to preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine” launching the so-called anti-terrorist operation in Donbass.  The decision was made effective the next day, April 14, by Verkhovnaya Rada (parliament) speaker Alexander Turchinov who was acting president at the time. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a special military operation on February 24, 2022 to protect Donbass residents from Ukrainian aggression. Prior to that, LPR and DPR Heads Leonid Pasechnik and Denis Pushilin asked the Russian leader to provide military assistance.   The Lugansk People’s Republic acceded to Russia on September 30, 2022 following the unification referendum.*i*v