Lugansk People’s Republic State Security Ministry (MGB) officers prevented a terrorist attack plotted by the Ukrainian secret service in Krasnyi Luch, the MGB press service reported.

“Ukrainian secret services do not abandon the attempts to unsettle the situation in the Republic, maintaining terror against the peaceful Donbass population . Also, they do not want to comply with the Minsk Agreements,” the report said. “The LPR State Security Ministry prevented an attempt to carry out an act of terror in the territory of the Lugansk People’s Republic.”

“The terrorist attack was planned at a public place in the town of Krasnyi Luch on August 23, ahead of celebrations of the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence. The bombs were to have exploded in the town’s central alley in Lenin Street in the Kirov Square and School No 10 area,” the Ministry said.

“Using a cache, the secret service passed the terror attack tools (four remotely controlled explosive devices) to its agent. He retrieved the bombs from the cache located in the Krasnyi Luch central cemetery.

“A Ukrainian secret service representative instructed the agent on priming the bombs. The secret service planned to have the bombs planted in litter bins in the Krasnyi Luch central ally on August 23 evening, and set off when the place got crowded. It had promised to pay the agent,” the MGB said.

The Ministry experts who examined the bombs confirmed that the devices contained explosives.

The Ministry is now looking for the persons complicit in preparing acts of terror in the territory of the Lugansk People’s Republic.

“The responsibility for the terror against Donbass civilians and inhuman warfare methods rests with the leadership of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and Kiev authorities,” the Ministry said.

The order to carry out the terrorist attack was issued by head of the SBU Main Department for the Donetsk and Lugansk Regions Vitaly Vinnichenko. The MGB will file a criminal case against him under LPR Criminal Code article 239 (act of terror).

The MGB urged the international community to make the Ukrainian authorities abide by the Minsk Agreements and stop further aggression against LPR civilians.” *i*t