An active municipal government official from the “traditional” LPR territory will be appointed mayor of Lisichansk, the Republic's Head Leonid Pasechnik told Russia 24 TV channel.

"Unfortunately, there is no candidacy as yet. I think, we will choose someone from active municipal officials from our traditional, as we call it, territory, from where we started our operation of liberation. The one who is experienced enough and prepared, because there is no time for a warming up," he said.

"Further forming of local authorities and government will be based on local human resources, people who live in Lisichansk and are experienced enough or worked directly in the city administration," Pasechnik said.

The LPR has declared the full liberation of its territory on July 3, as Ukrainian forces were driven away from their last pocket in Lisichansk, shorty after LPR forces liberated Severodonetsk that used to be the main hideout of Ukrainian militants.

Ukraine has been carrying out a military crackdown against Donbass since 2014. Multiple announcements of ceasefires failed to stabilize the situation. The simmering armed conflict escalated rapidly in February this year, and sent Donbass barrelling towards an unprecedented bloodshed.

Russia intervened on February 24 by launching a special military operation to demilitarize Ukraine and bring peace back to Donbass. *t.