The scandalous Ukrainian website Mirotvorets (Peacekeeper) which published personal data of the 12-year-old writer from Lugansk Faina Savenkova showed who Ukraine fights with, First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Dmitry Polyansky wrote in his Telegram channel.

“The information posted on “Mirotvorets” poses danger to the girl and her family, because this website publishes personal data of those whom the Maidan-obssessed regard as enemies of Ukraine,” Polyansky said. “Hopefully, she (Savenkova) and her relatives will be fine and Lugansk residents will stand up for her.”

Ukrainians have again shown whom they are fighting in Donbass: women, children and civilians. They view young Faina as a separatist who lives on Ukrainian land. Nobody in Kiev cares about what she thinks and dreams about or what she stands for, he said.

“What future does a country have which fights its own children? I believe it’s obvious. It’s a pity that our neighbors, blind with hate and fully saturated with nationalism, do not understand it,” the diplomat said.

Earlier, Savenkova said that Mirotvorets, by publishing children’s personal data, was violating their rights.

Lugansk-based writer Faina Savenkova is the youngest member of the Lugansk People’s Republic Writers Union. She has made significant achievements despite her young age. In 2019, her play “The Hedgehog of Hope” was included in the short list of the International Contests of Modern Russian Drama and received a special jury prize at the all-Rusian Drama Competition for young audiences. Her plays and stories were published in Russia and translated into Czech, Bulgarian, Serbian, French and Italian. *i*s