Activists of the “Older Generation” project which is being implemented by the “United Russia” political party ahead of Victory Day celebrations have visited Great Patriotic War veterans in the Lugansk People’s Republic to help them tidy up their homes and yards.    “The visits are part of the “Going to Veteran” action,” the press service of the Party’s regional branch told the Lugansk Media Center. The project’s regional coordinator, First Deputy Speaker of the LPR parliament Dmitry Khoroshilov has said that the action is paying tribute to “those who experienced the hardships of war and brought the Victory closer.”    “Our activists visit veterans and help them with the problems which the older generation cannot resolve on their own,” Khoroshilov said. “We also organize community cleanups and help with legal paperwork. We can thus show our respect and gratitude for the feats and the peaceful sky above us."   “Caring for veterans is our sacred duty and obligation,” he added.   “United Russia” members from the Lugansk branch said that activists had visited war child Anna Fomenko, cleaned up her house and removed deadwood from her yard.   The woman showed the young people her old photos and recounted her life in wartime.   “My father was conscripted in 1941, and my mother was away helping to dig trenches,” Fomenko said. “My granny had to look after three children. During the occupation of our settlement, the Germans who lived in our house often asked questions about local terrain and our life.”   Fomenko passed all information to Soviet troops. After the liberation of the settlement, she cared for wounded Soviet soldiers living in her house.   She thanked the activists for remembering veterans and helping them.   The Young Guard of United Russia is an all-Russia youth organization focused on patriotic upbringing of young people and support and/or implementation of projects, programs, measures and initiatives towards involving them in the efforts to build a democratic and fair and just society.*i*v