LUGANSK, May 21 (Lugansk Media Centre) - Lugansk People’s Republic’s medics have recorded one death due to COVID-19 over the past 24 hours, the LPR Healthcare Ministry press service reported.

“One death has been recorded, which brings the LPR coronavirus infection death toll to 428 since the beginning of the pandemic,” the report said.

The World Health Organisation called the COVID-19 coronavirus infection a pandemic. The first coronavirus infection cases were recorded in China in late 2019. The number of coronavirus contacts across the world has exceeded 164.5 million by now; of those, over 3.4 million people have died, according to the WHO. Earlier, the LPR confirmed 4,582 COVID-19 cases.

To prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection, the LPR authorities have put the Republic on high alert and introduced lockdown measures.*t