About one hundred critically ill children have had therapy at the onco-hematology unit of the St Petersburg Pediatric State Medical University (SPbGPMU), said its rector Dmitry Ivanov.

“The onco-hematology unit, launched in 2021 has treated 93 children from the new Russian regions since the beginning of the year,” Ivanov wrote on Telegram. At present, SpbGPMU doctors are examining a patient from the LPR presenting with ganglianeuroblastoma.

Neuroblastoma ranks fourth in terms of incidence rate of malignant tumors in children. Young children are in the risk group. Neuroblastoma is a unique tumor that can mature from the malignant form to benign, doctors said.

Earlier, St Petersburg doctors performed surgery on a six-year-old girl from the LPR to remove posterior mediastinal tumor. “University rector Dmitry Ivanov made a decision during an online consultation to hospitalize the child to the university hospital,” the Ministry said.

The girl is currently having tests including scintigraphy which can detect neuroblastoma metastases.

”This patient has a mixed tumor with both benign and malignant components,” said oncohematology unit chief doctor Vyacheslav Silkov. “In case of a positive test, the girl will be sent home and remain under medical supervision.”

Children with central nervous system disease repeatedly had rehabilitation therapy in St Petersburg as part of the assistance provided by the LPR Healthcare Ministry jointly with the Leningrad region’s health committee and a charity organization.

The Lugansk People’s Republic, Donetsk People’s Republic and Zaporozhye and Kherson regions acceded to Russia on September 30, 2022 following the unification referenda.*i*sb