A ceremony to rebury the remains of 60 Lugansk People’s Republic militiamen and three civilians has taken place at a memorial in the LPR capital.   The remains were evacuated from the special military operation zone and committed to earth at the “We Won’t Forget, Won’t Forgive memorial site with military honors and in accordance with religious rites.   Representatives of the Office of the LPR Head and the Regional Committee of Families of Fatherland Warriors and LRP activists attended the ceremony. Head of the interdepartmental group on the search for burial sites of Ukrainian aggression victims Anna Soroka said that three peaceful residents of Popasnaya had shrapnel wounds on their bodies.   “It is the consequence of terrible, unjustified and cynical crimes committed by Ukraine against the Donbass population,” Soroka said adding that many of the reburied militiamen had not been identified.   “We’re looking for relatives of several people; we’re closely cooperating with the Investigative Committee.  The samples taken from the remains will be sent to Rostov for DNA tests," she said.   LPR Military Commissar Andrey Gubanov said that "all the names of the LPR defenders whose remains were evacuated from Popasnaya, Pervomaisk, Rubezhnoye and Lisichansk will be established."   ***   The Ukrainian government launched the so-called anti-terrorist operation against Donbass in April 2014.  The peace talks failed to reach tangible results due to Kiev’s position to settle the conflict by force.   President Vladimir Putin announced a special military operation  on February 24, 2022 to protect Donbass residents from Ukrainian aggression. Prior to that, LPR and DPR Heads Leonid Pasechnik and Denis Pushilin asked the Russian leader to provide military assistance.   The Lugansk People’s Republic acceded to Russia on September 30, 2022 following the unification referendum. *i*ie