Seven residents of the Krasnorechenskoye township including three children have been killed in a Ukrainian artillery attack, the Lugansk People’s Republic Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination of issues related to Ukraine’s war crimes (JCCC) reported.

“The LPR Office at the JCCC received information that in the evening of September 19, 2022, seven civilians including three children (one-year-old twins, a boy and a girl and a seven-year-old girl) were killed in an artillery strike by Ukrainian armed formations at the Krasnorechenskoye settlement (Kremennaya district),” the JCCC said. “Two homes were destroyed.”

Kiev forces shelled Kremennaya three times on Monday firing more than 15 155mm projectiles at the town.

On Monday, Kiev forces shelled the territory in the responsibility zone of the Lugansk People’s Republic four times.

The Ukrainian government launched the so-called anti-terrorist operation against Donbass in April 2014.  The Donbass peace talks participants have announced ceasefire more than 20 times since the autumn of 2014. Kiev forces regularly violated the truce opening fire with large caliber artillery, mortars and tank guns which were to have been withdrawn from the contact line under the accords. *i*s