Today marks the ninth anniversary of the tragic events in Odessa when Ukrainian radicals attacked peaceful rally participants, locked them in the Trade Unions House and set it on fire.   Trying to escape the flames, people jumped from the windows to be mercilessly killed by the Nazis. The fire claimed 48 lives.   The Kiev regime actually repeated what the Banderites did in Belarus’ Khatyn 80 years ago.   Kiev authorities were jubilant as they watched the gruesome footage. Donbass was in mourning at that time.   Nine years on, the criminals are still unpunished, in fact, no attempts were made to find them. “But we know their names and we will do everything to punish them, find them and bring them to justice,” our president said in February 2022.   Our fighters are now fighting for each victim killed by fascists and for the triumph of justice, so that such crimes can never happen again.   May 2, 2014. Odessa. “We won’t forget, won’t forgive!”   
