Specialist from the Stavropol Territory have finished the repairs of a water supply line for more than 50,000 residents of the Antratsit district in the Lugansk People’s Republic, the press service of the Stavropol Territory Utilities Ministry reported.   “The 8.7-kilometer-long water duct to Antratsit, its two rundown sections, 2- and 2.5 kilometers  in length, and a five-kilometer line to an Antratsit company have been renovated,” the press service said.   The replacement of the rundown parts will cut water losses and help increase pressure in pipes to deliver water to upper floors. The quality and volume of water supply will noticeably improve for up to 50,000 customers. Daily water supply will replace the 1/5 mode, according to the regional Ministry.   In October 2022, Stavropol Territory specialists began preparations for laying a new water line in the Antratsit district.   The LPR’s Antratsit district and Russia’s Stavropol Territory signed a cooperation agreement in June 2022.   The Lugansk People’s Republic acceded to Russia on September 30, 2022 following the unification referendum.*i*ie