Russian authorities resuming the payment in November of full and indexed retirement benefits to army pensioners who are participating in the special military operation (SVO), the working group on SVO led by parliament first deputy speaker Andrey Turchak reported on its official Telegram channel.
The payments to mobilized military pensioners will resume pursuant to presidential decree. The document applies to eligible pensioners who have signed contracts since February 24, 2022 or have been mobilized since September 21, 2022, if they earned their pension from the armed forces, police, drug control bodies, penal system organizations, the National Guard or enforcement agencies.
*** The Ukrainian government launched the so-called anti-terrorist operation against Donbass in April 2014.  The peace talks failed to reach tangible results due to Kiev’s position to settle the conflict by force.   President Vladimir Putin announced a special military operation  on February 24, 2022 to protect Donbass residents from Ukrainian aggression. Prior to that, LPR and DPR Heads Leonid Pasechnik and Denis Pushilin asked the Russian leader to provide military assistance.*i