Ukraine will focus on surrounding Lugansk in case it launches an offensive against Donbass, similar to its 2014 plans, LPR People’s Militia chief-of-staff Yan Leschenko told journalists.

"Undoubtedly, as in 2014, Ukraine's key task will be to encircle Lugansk and cut off communication lines that connect it to rear regions, as well as routes between the DPR and the LPR in the vicinity of Debaltsevo," he said.

A new round of escalation in Donbass began in late 2021, as Ukraine and some Western countries alleged that Russia is amassing troops on the borer with Ukraine. 
Moscow has repeatedly denied any such plans, persistently calling for negotiations and peaceful settlement of the Ukraine-Donbass conflict.
Recent intelligence reports cited by the LPR and DPR People's Militia show that Kiev is deploying additional troops and weapon to the so-called JFO zone in what seems to be an attempt to fuel the crisis. *t