The "United Russia” faction at the State Duma lower house of the Russian parliament will consider additional measures to support the Lugamash enterprise in the Lugansk People’s Republic, a lawmaker said.   “United Russia” and our colleagues in the Cabinet pay much attention to this enterprise, so we’ll consider measures (of support) for the company in the nearest future,” deputy faction head Sergey Morozov said after his visit to Lugamash on Monday where he inspected production facilities and talked with company officials and personnel.   “We must hire more workers and boost production, we have everything we need to do it,” Morozov said adding that such companies as Lugamash were essential for the future of the new regions’ industry.   He expressed the hope that Lugansk would revive its locomotive plant which had been well-known in the Soviet Union.   Lugamash currently produces spare parts for modern rolling stock including diesel and electric locomotives. It employs 1,200 people and engages in work-piece manufacture, welding and processing, company director general Dmitry Kostyuchenko said.   He said he had discussed with Morozov such issues as production increase and development, the possibility to enter Russian markets and find new customers and destinations.   Earlier, Lugamash, supported by the LPR government, purchased new equipment and launched the modernization of the existing assets. In 2021, the company sold 1.2 billion rubles worth of products. The LPR Industry Development Fund allocated 99.4 billion rubles to Lugamash for project implementaiton.*i*v