Republican Fuel Company Vostokugol launched 13 new coal faces in 2021, the LPR Prime Minister Sergey Kozlov said in an interview to the Lugansk 24 TV Channel.

"There is a Vostokugol development programme, new coal faces are launched. TO compare, in 2020 eight faces were launched, in 2021 - 13. These coal faces are of a higher quality, five of them are large, with huge perspectives," he said.

Kozlov said earlier that the restructuring of the Republic’s coal industry and the establishment of the Vostokugol state-owned enterprise had helped to double the number of newly launched coal faces and boost production by 2.5 times. In 2021, Vostokugol planned to produce more than 10 million tons of coal cutting some 40 kilometers of tunnels in rock.

LPR Head Leonid Pasechnik who set the main guidelines for coal industry restructuring, said that Vostokugol would become the locomotive for the Republic’s economy. *t*s