The Vostokugol Republican Fuel Company has produced two million tons of coal since the beginning of this year, the press service of the Lugansk People’s Republic government reported.

“Vostokugol’s working collective has produced the second million tons of coal since the beginning of 2022,” the report said.

The government said that the coalminers are “making tremendous efforts in wartime to ensure uninterrupted supply of fuel to the power plants and metallurgical sector.”

“This level of output was achieved by six Vostokugol divisions.  Krasnodon Mine Administration’s Barakovo colliery contributed the last tons to complete the two-million-ton benchmark,” the press service said.

Krasnodon Mine Administration director Alexander Niskevich noted the company’s steady operation despite the existing difficulties.

“When miners work successfully, other branches of industry and spheres of activity feel confidence. Miners are a group of workers that keep overcoming difficulties because it’s never easy in the coal industry. Despite the present-day reality, we’re not standing still; our company is working for the long run,” Niskevich said.

On April 4, Vostokugol produced the first million tons of coal in 2022. On May 25, the output reached 1.5 million tons and on May 9, the company marked Victory Day with a record daily output of 17,000 tons.

Lugansk Mine Administration Production Director Gennady Dmitrov said that the company had been maintaining daily output levels though many miners had been mobilized.

Earlier, Lugansk People’s Republic government chairman Sergey Kozlov said that the restructuring of the Republic’s coal industry and the establishment of the Vostokugol state-owned enterprise helped to double the number of newly launched coal faces and boost production by 2.5 times. LPR Head Leonid Pasechnik who set the main guidelines for coal industry restructuring, said that Vostokugol would become the locomotive for the Republic’s economy. *i*s