Фото: Официальная страница Министерства строительства и жилищно-коммунального хозяйства ЛНР в ВК

As many as 236 utility infrastructure facilities have been been rebuilt in the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions since their accession to Russia, Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities Irek Faizullin said in an interview with the Lugansk Media Center.

“Two hundred and thirty-six utility infrastructure facilities have been restored and almost 30 kilometers of utility lines have been replaced since,” Faizullin said adding that utility systems in the new territories had not seen repairs since Soviet times.

Pursuant to presidential instruction, a program of socio-economic development for the new territories was prepared and approved. Its key objective is to enable the new regions to reach Russia’s average standard of living by 2030. Housing and utilities programs for the new regions were approved as well, the minister said.*isb