The budget-funded organizations of the Lugansk People’s Republic have successfully reregistered in the Russian Federation; all welfare benefits are paid on time and in full measure, LPR Finance Minister Yevgeny Manuilov said at a press briefing.   “There are 1,811 state-funded organizations in the Republic which are on consolidated register held by the Federal Treasury and all electronic systems,” Manuilov said.    The LPR Pension Fund continues to pay retirement benefits to recipients amid their transition to Russia’s Social Fund. The Finance Ministry closely cooperates with line ministries in preparing the implementation of the future program for socio-economic development of the region, he said. Earlier, the LPR Finance Ministry reported that it had met budget targets for January-April 2023.   The Republic’s parliament introduced an amendment to the budget 2023 law to increase the spending on the provision of pensions  and healthcare.*i*ie