A commission under the Pervomaisk administration has approved the first 32 applications for 100,000-ruble compensations for the property lost due to fighting, town administration head Sergey Kolyagin wrote on Telegram.   “The commission held its first meeting on Monday to consider 34 applications for lumpsum compensation for the loss of essential property,” Kolyagin said. “It approved 32 applications and rejected two as the submitted documents did not prove the fact of property loss.”   100,000 rubles will be transferred to bank accounts of the 32 applicants in the near future, the mayor added.   “We urge residents of Pervomaisk and our settlements who have lost essential property since February 19, to be more active and seek help in Room 1 of the Department for Employment and Social Protection, while residents whose homes were damaged or fully destroyed in the period 2014-2022, should go to Room 106 at the Town Hall for compensation,” he said.   The Ukrainian government launched the so-called anti-terrorist operation against Donbass in April 2014.  The peace talks participants have announced ceasefire more than 20 times since the autumn of 2014. Kiev forces regularly violated the truce opening fire with large caliber artillery, mortars and tank guns which were to have been withdrawn from the contact line under the accords. *i*ie