The Lugansk People’s Republic Supreme Court has sentenced two accomplices of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) to 17 and 16 years in prison, fines and property confiscation for attempted abduction of a Lugansk resident, the LPR Prosecutor General’s Office press service reported.

“SBU agents involved two persons in their criminal activity aimed at abducting an LPR resident and taking him to Ukraine,” the PGO press service said. The defendants illegally crossed the LPR state border and arrived at a parking lot in Lugansk to collect a car with firearms and ammunition. The two men then drove to an address in the city to kidnap the resident who lived there and wait for further instructions from Ukrainian secret service operatives. However, LPR police detained them before they could carry their crime through.

The LPR Supreme Court found them guilty of participation in a criminal group, illegal crossing of the LPR border, use of fake document, smuggling of narcotics, attempted abduction, illegal acquisition and transportation or narcotics and illegal acquisition, storage and transportation of firearms and explosive devices.

One of the defendants was sentenced to 17 years in prison, 82,680-ruble fine and confiscation of all property, the other to 16 years in prison, 82,680-ruble fine and confiscation of all property, the PGO said. *i*s