The Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic, hereinafter referred to as the parties, resting upon the traditionally friendly relations between the two countries, leaning on the rich and fruitful cooperation experience, being convinced that the consistent and varied development of bilateral relations meets the interests of both countries, striving to contribute to the strengthening of economic interaction and building a fairer socially-oriented customs system of the two countries under the principles of the supremacy of law and equality, confirming their commitment to the principles and goals of the UN Charter, acknowledging the necessity to observe the universal principles and norms of international law, and acting in line with legislation of the two countries, proclaim the establishment of the relations of strategic partnership between them in the economic, customs and tax areas.

1. The parties express their resolve to strengthen and develop economic cooperation in the key bilateral issues, in the first place by establishing common economic space.

2. The parties will coordinate their efforts, exchange experience and information in the sphere of economy and customs and tax regulation. To this end, they have agreed to

  •    harmonize their legislations in these spheres;
  •    adopt and implement the synchronized programs of socio-economic development for 2022-2024.

3. Adhering to the principle of sovereign equality of the states, with the view of implementing the programs of socio-economic development, the parties will sign inter-state agreements to provide for establishing common economic space for sustainable development of the economy of the Republics and improving the quality of life of our citizens.” *i*b