Lugansk People’s Republic Head Leonid Pasechnik and Donetsk People’s Republic Head Denis Pushilin have held the first session of the Single Economic Council set up within the framework of the bilateral treaty on establishing a common customs space and developing economic integration, the press service of the LPR Head Administration reported.

 “On September 30, LPR Head Leonid Pasechnik and DPR Head Denis Pushilin held the first session of the Single Economic Council, which was set up within the framework of the agreement on establishing a common economic space between the LPR and the DPR, the report said.

“The leaders of the Republics approved the provision on a Single Economic Commission and reached an accord on publishing the decisions made by the Commission on the official websites of the leaders of the LPR and the DPR until the Single Economic Council has designed and launched its official website,” the press service said.

Pasechnik and Pushilin signed a treaty on establishing common customs territory and developing economic integration at a video conference on September 15, 2021. The LPR parliament ratified the document on September 22.

Earlier, Pasechnik said that the LPR and the DPR would establish a common economic and customs space that conforms to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The LPR and DPR authorities adopted the programs of socio-economic development of the Republics for 2022-2024. The declaration released after the inter-state meeting noted that following the discussion of the socio-economic development programs, the representatives of LPR and DPR authorities planned to sign inter-state agreements to "provide for establishing a common economic space for sustainable development of the economy of the Republics and improving the quality of life of the LPR and DPR population." *i*t