All federal hospitals in Russia are ready to provide high technology help to children from the Lugansk People’s Republic who need medical treatment, Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights Maria Lvova-Belova said at a meeting in Lugansk with LPR Acting Head Leonid Pasechnik.   “We don’t have lists of children (from the LPR) who need high-tech help.<...> All federal hospitals are ready to admit, provide treatment, and improve the quality of life of children and (their) families,” Lvova-Belova said.   Children from the Krasnodon boarding school need such assistance, she added.   “Road of Life” Foundation specialists and doctors visited the facility; we have nine children who have to be gastrostomized; these are underweight children so if we don’t do it, we’ll lose them. <...>we suggest including children who need high-tech treatment on the list so that we can send them for gastrostomy now,” Lvova-Belova said.    The ombudsperson said that she had asked Russian Healthcare Minister Mikhail Murashko to provide LPR children with orphan diseases with the essentials and that she would have an appointment with him in the near future.“I believe we’ll come to a clear understanding and add the children to the list to provide them with the essentials, she said.   Lvova-Belova also said that LPR children with health problems would have rehabilitation at specialized centers.*i*ie