The humanitarian subgroup coordinator for the OSCE Charlotte Relander arrived in the LPR to get acquainted with the humanitarian situation in the Republic, Lugansk Media Center correspondent reported from the Stanitsa Luganskaya checkpoint, which Relander used to arrive in the Republic.

At the checkpoint, the OSCE delegation was welcomed by the representative of the LPR in the working subgroup on humanitarian issues Olga Kobtseva.

"I am here as a coordinator of the humanitarian subgroup, and I am here to see with my own eyes everything that we are discussing there (in the humanitarian subgroup). I have been doing this (work in the humanitarian subgroup) for six months and I came here for the first time) to visit you," the OSCE representative said.

Answering a question from journalists, Relander confirmed that during her visit to the Republic she plans to visit the checkpoints near Zolotoye and Schastye that are still closed as Kiev declines any cooperation on opening them. *t