Kiev forces on Wednesday evening shelled Lisichansk destroying a school which housed a temporary accommodation center for civilians, local authorities reported.   “Ukrainian fascists delivered a strike at a Lisichansk school at around 20:20 on July 26; it took a direct hit,” the Town Hall said on Telegram. The enemy used cluster munitions which are banned by a Geneva convention.   “Luckily, nobody was hurt. A day before, the elderly were taken to another town. There were no servicemen inside the school or in neighboring homes.  The school was on the list of facilities scheduled for repairs this year. Now’s it’s completely ruined,” the Town Hall said.   The Ukrainian government launched the so-called anti-terrorist operation against Donbass in April 2014.  The peace talks failed to reach tangible results due to Kiev’s position to settle the conflict by force.   The Lugansk People’s Republic acceded to Russia on September 30, 2022 following the unification referendum.*i*ie