Kiev forces violated the Additional Measures to Strengthen the Ceasefire 347 times since they came into force, said LPR Foreign Minister representing the Republic at Minsk talks Vladislav Deinego.

"The total of 347 violations have been recorded, including 36 barrages with heavy weapons. As a result of violations, one LPR resident lost his life, 12 sustained injuries of various degrees."

Much more service members were killed and wounded, he said, 16 were reported killed and 7 wounded.

Six infrastructure facilities were damaged, as well as 28 households.

Ukraine carried out four sabotage attacks over this period.

The Contact Group agreed the tighter ceasefire control measures in Donbass starting at 00:01, July 27 at the July 22 videoconference.

The Additional Measures to Strengthen the Ceasefire include:

  •    ban on offensive or reconnaissance operations,
  •    ban on using any aerial vehicles,
  •    ban on fire, including sniper fire;
  •    ban on deployment of heavy weapons to populated areas and adjacent territories, first of all, to civilian infrastructure, including schools, kindergartens, hospitals and public premises;
  •    effective implementation of disciplinary measures against violators of the ceasefire and notification the Contact Group Coordinator thereof, who further notifies all its participants;
  •    establishing and employing a coordination mechanism for reacting to ceasefire violations with assistance of the JCCC with its current membership.

Retaliatory fire in case of an offensive is allowed only in case it is opened on the order of appropriate command of the Ukrainian armed forces or LPR, DPR People's Militia after unsuccessful attempt to employ the above mentioned mechanism. The Contact Group shall be notified of such orders. *t